
KINGPIN and WEIRD SCIENCE star Vanessa Angel comes to DCS August 21-22!

We’re very excited to welcome the lovely and talented Vanessa Angel to DALLAS COMIC SHOW’s Fantasy Festival this August 21-22! After making a splash on the big screen in the comedy SPIES LIKE US, she went on to star in movies like ANOTHER CHANCE, KISSING A FOOL, MADE MEN, G-MEN FROM HELL (based on the comic!), THE PERFECT SCORE, SUPERGENIUSES: BABY GENIUSES 2, PUPPET MASTER VS DEMONIC TOYS and more, plus popular TV series like BAYWATCH, MELROSE PLACE, VERONICA’S CLOSET, STARGATE SG-1, and of course the hit series WEIRD SCIENCE based on the popular John Hughes movie. But Vanessa is perhaps best known as the female lead of The Farrelly Brothers’ smash comedy hit KINGPIN, which is celebrating its 25th Anniversary and it was recently announced it’s getting a sequel! Let’s give Vanessa a warm Texas welcome, and stay tuned for info on a special screening event!

Autographs – $30 / Selfies – $20 / Autograph/Selfie Combo – $40

See the full show guest list RIGHT HERE.

Purchase tickets to the event RIGHT HERE.

Dallas Comic Show

Founded in 2016, the Dallas Comic Show is a way for fans of comics, movies, television and other pop culture cravings to connect and reconnect with creators, actors and other fans!