
Anime and video game Voice Actor and Director Kiba Walker hits DCS on Sunday, August 22!

Kiba Walker is an actor and performer based out of Dallas, Texas. His most notable roles in anime include titles such as MY HERO ACADEMIA (Cider House Leader), SAINT SEIYA (Scylla Io), BLACK CLOVER (Paplo Espuma), SKATE-LEADING STARS (Irie), BACK ARROW (Gote), THE TITAN’S BRIDE (Caius Lao Bistail), HORIMIYA (Tanihara), JUNJI ITO COLLECTION (Tsukano), CELLS AT WORK!! (Mumps Virus), CAUTIOUS HERO (Kebono), KONO OTO TOMARE (Naoya), BOFURI (Christmas Rose), and CASE FILE NO.221 KABUKICHO (Diana). You can also hear his voice in FRUITS BASKET, RADIANT, ONE PIECE, TO LOVE RU, O MAIDENS IN YOUR SAVAGE SEASON, AKUDAMA DRIVE, and many more.

In video games, his voice can be heard in GENSHIN IMPACT (Xu Liushi/Wyratt/Zexuan), CAMP BUDDY (Keitaro/Yoshinori), FULL SERVICE (Sota), TO TRUST AN INCUBUS (Kenta), MISTER VERSATILE (Syd), EARTHLOCK (Amon/Gnart), POPUP DUNGEON (DJ Mute/Thrilla Killa/Centrian/Nunchaku Ninja/Tinkerer), SOMETHING IN THE DARK (Francis Hale/Father Karver), GYEE (Caius), and many others.

Kiba is also an ADR director and scriptwriter for Ascendant Animation, for which he is also the President and COO. His works include ISHIDA & ASAKURA and THE TITAN’S BRIDE. He also is a full-time drag performer, under the name SALEM MOON. Kiba is appearance Sunday Only at DALLAS COMIC SHOW’s Fantasy Festival, be sure to stop by his table and say hi!

You can follow him on Twitter at @justkibawalker or on Instagram at @kibathevoice or @salemmoondrag

Autograph – $TBA / Selfie – $TBA / Combo – $TBA

See the full show guest list RIGHT HERE.

Purchase tickets to the event RIGHT HERE.

Dallas Comic Show

Founded in 2016, the Dallas Comic Show is a way for fans of comics, movies, television and other pop culture cravings to connect and reconnect with creators, actors and other fans!